2024-25 Kairos Officers

Ruthie Hester - President
Grade - Senior
Major - History
Kairos has challenged and stretched me intellectually while also giving me a community of people to count on. It’s a perfect place to thrive and grow!
Fun Fact - I make the best tea lattes this side of the Mississippi

Ellie Shaffer - Chaplain
Grade - Junior
Major - English
One of my favorite elements of Kairos is that we are not only an academic group we’re a community that does life together. We learn together, serve together, worship together, and have fun together! The Kairos community is where I have found my place at Lee, and I hope others feel as welcome and at home in this community as I do.
Fun Fact - I love stories! I love books, of course, Lord of the Rings, Hamlet, a Finnish children’s story I recently discovered, and so many others. I love to hear people’s stories, their passions and experiences and adventures. I love to write stories. I love the story of Jesus, and that it’s true. I love the story God is writing from Creation to Eternity, and the adventure that it is to be a part of it.

Eli Ferguson - VP of Events
Grade - Senior
Major - Political Science
I love Kairos because it provides meaningful fellowship.
Fun Fact - I play the cello.

Lauren Gray - VP of Media
Grade - Sophomore
Major - Digital Media, Journalism emphasis
Kairos was the reason I could finally see Lee in my future, as I sought where to attend college. Through the community we have established, and the fellowship we are able to cultivate and lean on, this very diverse, yet well-rounded group has been ultimately a huge blessing to my life. From worship nights to taking over classrooms to the endless quotes in the GroupMe, I couldn’t cherish a group of brothers and sisters more, than these ones that God has placed in my path, through Kairos.
Fun Fact - I was born 3.5 months early.

Emily Gietzen - VP of Recruitment
Grade - Junior
Major - Classics and English Literature
I love Kairos because of its deep discussions and authentic community.
Fun Fact - I swam competitively for ten years.
Ashtyn Stock - Secretary
Grade - Sophomore
Major - Biology, Pre-PA
Kairos has pushed me to excel academically, but also be a very well-rounded person with many interests!
Fun Fact - I have been to all 50 states and 3 continents!

Lauren Ludwig - VP of Stewardship
Grade - Junior
Major - English Literature
Over the past two years, Kairos has truly become a family to me. It’s the community that has built both inside and outside the classroom that I truly find so special. I love that while we all have different interests and majors, we are all connected by our desire to grow and learn, while putting God at the forefront of our connection and conversation.
Fun Fact - In my free time, you can find me reading, studying in coffee shops, or catching up with friends!

Kathryn Haley - VP of Scholarship
Grade - Junior
Major - Political Science
I love Kairos because the community does a great job of supporting each other and learning how to flourish together.
Fun Fact - I am a published author! And I make incredible apple pies.